India’s election hots up

The #IndiaVotes2014 blog hosted on Ballots and Bullets and associated commentary hots up.  IAPS Director, Katharine Adeney posted an article in The Conversation discussing the election campaign.  This week the blog has featured analysis of the Modi factor, by Dr James Chiriyankandath from the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, Dr Andrew Wyatt from the Univeristy of … Continue reading India’s election hots up

Indian Election Blog

IAPS will be running an Indian Election Blog over the next few weeks, focusing on aspects of the campaign, candidates, state level politics and personalities.  This will be run from the Ballots and Bullets Blog and will feature posts from academics working on India in the UK, Europe, America, India and Pakistan. See the first post … Continue reading Indian Election Blog

Ethnic autonomy in South Asia: a prelude to secession?

Within South Asia in 2014, the states of Nepal and Burma/Myanmar are currently undergoing constitutional redesign and experiencing demands for recognition of territorially concentrated ethnic groups.  Similar demands are being made in Pakistan, with demands for Seriaki and Hazara speaking provinces receiving more support in recent years.  India is one presidential pen stroke away from creating its … Continue reading Ethnic autonomy in South Asia: a prelude to secession?