Making Sense of South Korea’s Presidential Election

Written by Joonhwa Cho and Lauren Dickey. South Korea’s presidential elections held on 9 May 2017 marked a turning point for South Korea as to whether and how the country will modify future domestic and international policies. Domestically, there is an investigation into how the next government is going to deal with the scandals that … Continue reading Making Sense of South Korea’s Presidential Election

Trump and a new South Korean administration

Written by Jeffrey Robertson. On 9 May, South Korea elected Moon Jae-in as president. Given Moon’s early and consistent lead in the polls, much has already been said about South Korea’s new president. But, as is often the case with South Korea, the event means something substantially different to the international and to the domestic … Continue reading Trump and a new South Korean administration

What is Trump’s China Policy Framework?

Written by Christopher Balding. One could be forgiven for trying to keep up with the wild gyrations in the evolving China strategy and how to interpret what has taken place.  Veering between bombastic rhetoric designed to enflame and meek apologist, Trump policy seems to leave most guessing and confused, his team not the least of … Continue reading What is Trump’s China Policy Framework?