Rising Tide of Extremism in Bangladesh

A more proximate cause of radicalization may be the acceleration of modernizing forces, triggered by the Awami League’s liberal agenda and the advent of the Internet, which are threatening conservative Islamic foundations of the society.

The Battle for Marawi: Three Months On

The extension of martial law over Mindanao until the end of the year does not signal a government that is on top of the situation. Cutting martial law short would reinforce notions that Marawi is back to normal. It would also preserve what remains of Duterte’s political capital, in the face of mounting scandals regarding state-sponsored human rights violations.

China Braces for ISIS Impact

Written by Salman Rafi Sheikh Chinese President Xi Jinping’s call for building a “great wall of iron” to shield his country against a possible infiltration by the Islamic State demonstrates China’s acknowledgement that it is as vulnerable to this threat as any other country. This is forcing a clear change in Beijing’s traditional security concepts … Continue reading China Braces for ISIS Impact

Understanding Indonesia’s ISIL Context

ISIL is by no means the biggest or most serious long-term threat associated with the expression of violent religiosity that Indonesia faces.

Marawi: The Furthest Battlefield of Islamic State

With the rise of the self-declared Caliphate, the IS-centric threat supplanted the al Qaeda threat in the Philippines and demonstrated Islamic State’s global aspirations. Although al Qaeda poses a resurgent threat in some parts of the world, the dominant threat in Southeast Asia is by IS centric groups.