Censoring ‘Rainbow’ in China

The political energy of LGBTQ movements has often been attacked as a form of transnational ‘collusion’ between domestic political saboteurs and foreign anti-China forces.

Australia Decides: The Violence Triangle and Same-Sex Marriage

The same-sex marriage plebiscite now underway in Australia has, unsurprisingly, stirred much controversy.

Being LGBTQ+: Pride and Queer Festivals in India

The problem with being queer in India is the violence with which those who transgress or challenge hetero-normativity are treated. Therefore, the ways in which to address the problem is by awareness building and creating safe spaces for those who identify as queer.

Alternative Narratives from New Indian Indie Cinema

It is justifiable to perceive the new Indies as the future torchbearers of Indian cinema; particularly with their propensity to artistically infiltrate, reinterpret, distort and even sabotage the mythologised grand narrative of India as a majoritarian, mono-lingual, mono-religious and patriarchal nation.

Acrush: A Case Study in Chinese Gender-Neutrality

The kind of female masculinity epitomised by Acrush often represents either a unique form of fashion or beauty, or a distinctive young woman’s personality in a cosmopolitan China. Gender-neutral female celebrities are often expected to combine desirable masculine and feminine gender traits, yet are not self-identified lesbians or queer women.

‘Queer’ India: A Path to Sustained Progress?

The conference held by ‘Queer’ Asia on 16-18 June 2017 is... an exciting new prospect for future research into the complexities of sexual orientation and gender identities in Asia. In particular, the conference is helping to expand definitions and ideas of what it means to be ‘LGBTQI’ in relation to ‘Asian’ identity, where such identity may be negotiated in contexts of social and cultural difference from the west.

An Unprepared Philippines Faces an AIDS Scourge

Written by Purple Romero. Billy Santo recently spent two sleepless nights looking after a friend who had just found out that he’s reactive to the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV antibodies have been found in the friend’s blood and he must take another set of tests to confirm if he is HIV positive. Santo is … Continue reading An Unprepared Philippines Faces an AIDS Scourge