Middle powers showing initiative: North and South Korea getting it done

Written by Liang Tuang Nah. On 24 May, President Trump called off the planned 12 June summit with Chairman Kim Jong-un of North Korea, to be held in Singapore, due to perceived hostility on the part of Pyongyang. Having invested much political and reputational capital on rapprochement with North Korea, where a successful Trump-Kim meeting … Continue reading Middle powers showing initiative: North and South Korea getting it done

Sport under Japanese Colonialism: Korean Representation

In the end, the Japanese delegates rejected Korea as a separate entry. The use of a Korean flag was unsurprisingly also not granted, much in the same way that British authorities attempted to prevent the use of an Indian National Congress flag in 1930.

The 2018 Olympics and Northeast Asian Emotions

The 2018 Olympics and related issues have influenced South Korea’s perceptions, attitudes, and emotions towards its neighbouring countries, including North Korea, Japan and China.

Now is not the time to tread softly with Pyongyang

Kim can only achieve his nuclear deterrent at the cost of permanent economic underdevelopment.

South Korea: The answer to the North Korean nuclear crisis?

Given the incendiary circumstances, South Korea is the world’s safest and best bet to resolving the nuclear crisis in a diplomatic and peaceful manner

Russia’s Far East: A key to settle North Korea?

Moon’s main concern revolves around the insecurity on the Korean peninsula. Why is Moon eager to have closer economic and diplomatic ties with Russia? The answer to this question lies in the desire by the South Korean authorities to find diplomatic solutions to resolve the North Korean nuclear crisis and to prevent pre-emptive strikes.

Making Sense of South Korea’s Presidential Election

Written by Joonhwa Cho and Lauren Dickey. South Korea’s presidential elections held on 9 May 2017 marked a turning point for South Korea as to whether and how the country will modify future domestic and international policies. Domestically, there is an investigation into how the next government is going to deal with the scandals that … Continue reading Making Sense of South Korea’s Presidential Election

Trump and a new South Korean administration

Written by Jeffrey Robertson. On 9 May, South Korea elected Moon Jae-in as president. Given Moon’s early and consistent lead in the polls, much has already been said about South Korea’s new president. But, as is often the case with South Korea, the event means something substantially different to the international and to the domestic … Continue reading Trump and a new South Korean administration

After Park’s impeachment, what should be South Korea’s priority?

Written by Eunjung Lim On March 10, eight justices of the South Korean Constitutional Court unanimously upheld the National Assembly’s 9th December 2016 motion to impeach President Park Geun-hye. The country’s first female president now became the country's first impeached president. Ever since the political scandal involving Park’s decades-long friend, Choi Soon-sil, surfaced in late … Continue reading After Park’s impeachment, what should be South Korea’s priority?

Korean Identity, or Korean Identities?

Written by Virginie Grzelczyk. ‘We will consistently take hold on the strategic line of simultaneously pushing forward the economic construction and the building of nuclear force and boost self-defensive nuclear force both in quality and quantity as long as the imperialists persist in their nuclear threat and arbitrary practice.’ -- Kim Jong Un, 7th Korean … Continue reading Korean Identity, or Korean Identities?

Deploying THAAD to South Korea

Written by Terence Roehrig. As North Korea’s nuclear weapon and ballistic missile capabilities continue to grow, South Korea, the United States, and Japan struggle to find ways to deal with this growing threat. One of the answers has been ballistic missile defense (BMD). Washington has been constructing a regional BMD system that includes Aegis destroyers … Continue reading Deploying THAAD to South Korea

Globalisation and Convergence: The Example of South Korea

IAPS visiting fellow, Professor Chris Rowley has won a Korea Foundation 2016 Fellowship for Field Research on the subject of  Globalisation and Convergence: The Example of South Korea Some of the most popular buzzwords and debated topics for governments, business and academia are ‘internationalisation’ and ‘globalisation’. The implication is that under the influence of globalisation’s standardisation … Continue reading Globalisation and Convergence: The Example of South Korea