Why is Myanmar burning while Sri Lanka is not?

The elite use a narrative based on the collective memory of an actual or perceived injustice to the ethnic group to politicise it.

Recognising Structural Forms of Violence against Christians in India

Both the discriminatory legislation and deprivation of state resources to Christians in the country amount to structural violence as defined by Galtung as they prevent Christians from attaining their full enjoyment of rights and cause a high degree of harm.

Australia Decides: The Violence Triangle and Same-Sex Marriage

The same-sex marriage plebiscite now underway in Australia has, unsurprisingly, stirred much controversy.

Alternative Narratives from New Indian Indie Cinema

It is justifiable to perceive the new Indies as the future torchbearers of Indian cinema; particularly with their propensity to artistically infiltrate, reinterpret, distort and even sabotage the mythologised grand narrative of India as a majoritarian, mono-lingual, mono-religious and patriarchal nation.

Anti-nuclear protests in India

The experiences from Kudankulam and Jaitapur demonstrate the direct and indirect state violence that was inflicted upon the locals resisting the nuclear power projects in both states. The state has used the special status given to the nuclear sector in propagating the violence.

The University: The Last Pillar of Democracy

Written by Pradyumna Jairam. On February 9th 2013, the Government of India, headed by the Congress Party, executed Muhammad Afzal Guru, the lone-surviving “terrorist” behind the 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament. The Supreme Court of India declared that his hanging would satisfy the “collective conscience” of the Indian people. After his death, massive protests … Continue reading The University: The Last Pillar of Democracy

Kashmir: Between Entropy and Escalation

Written by Rohan John. The contested Muslim-majority state claimed by two nuclear-armed rivals, Jammu and Kashmir is the inadvertent collateral damage in this South Asian conflict and the canvas for an atomic showdown if not alleviated. Last year, Kashmir was wrought with violence which reached a new high with protests by Kashmiris against the occupation … Continue reading Kashmir: Between Entropy and Escalation

Fears of a Growing Tempest: Are Dark Clouds Looming Over Duterte’s Philippines?

Written by Sylwyn C. Calizo Jr. For many, the 2016 Philippine presidential election was considered to be the turning point for a country crippled by decades-long corruption and abuse. Emerging victorious was then Davao City mayor, Rodrigo Duterte, whose fiery rhetoric claimed the hearts of many Filipinos tired of unfulfilled promises by ‘traditional’ politicians. Much has changed … Continue reading Fears of a Growing Tempest: Are Dark Clouds Looming Over Duterte’s Philippines?

China’s Self-Defeating Counter-Terrorism Strategy in Xinjiang

Written by Michael Clarke. The correlation between regime type and the likelihood of terrorism has been a subject of scholarly attention for decades. One major stream of debate suggests that authoritarian regimes, unconstrained by civil society and democratic processes, make it harder for terrorist groups to organise and operate. Another stream, however, building on the … Continue reading China’s Self-Defeating Counter-Terrorism Strategy in Xinjiang

Prominent feminist activist Kavita Krishnan to give 2015/16 Tomlinson Lecture

Written by Carole Spary. Our 2015/16 Tomlinson Lecture speaker is Kavita Krishnan. Kavita is the Secretary of the All India Progressive Women’s Association and a politbureau member of the CPI(ML) Liberation Party in India. She is a prominent feminist, left activist and campaigner on a range of interrelated issues, in particular women’s rights in India. … Continue reading Prominent feminist activist Kavita Krishnan to give 2015/16 Tomlinson Lecture

Violence Against Women in India: Is ‘Culture’ The Culprit, or Structure?

We're getting excited about the annual Tomlinson Lecture on 3rd March at 6pm. Kavita Krishnan will speak on 'Violence Against Women in India: Is 'Culture' The Culprit, or Structure?' Kavita Krishnan is the Secretary of the All India Progressive Women's Association. Lecture open to all but please register at http://www.tomlinson-lecture.eventbrite.co.uk